

New ‘surprise’ album out now!

Thorbjørn Risager & Emil Balsgaard - Taking The Good With The Bad

Everybody who is interested in blues, knows about Thorbjørn Risager & The Black Tornado, who’s been entertaining blueslovers all over the world for the past 19 years with their spectacular shows and releases.

Fewer people know that Thorbjørn Risager and Tornado-pianoman Emil Balsgaard have a history together which goes much further back in time. Their partnership began 27 years ago when they met in a New Orleans style blues ’n’ funk band called Rad Gumbo.

Thorbjørn and Emil have spent the covid19-lockdown recording their third duoalbum entitled Taking The Good With The Bad.

The album shows that their love for that special New Orleans style blues ’n’ funk has not faded. The album contains pulverising boogie blues, a sweet touch of caribian rhythms and low down dirty funk.

Tornado bassman Søren Bøjgaard has recorded and co-produced the album which also contains guest appearences by Tornado members Joachim Svensmark and Martin Seidelin.

Buy the album here!

Listen to it here!

Check out the coverartwork here!


Thorbjørn Risager – vokal & guitar
Emil Balsgaard – piano, keys
Joachim Svensmark – guitar
Søren Bøjgaard – bas/producer
Martin Seidelin – perc

Tracklist (Taking The Good With The Bad – HRB2021 – P & C House Rockin’ Band Inc 2021)

  1. Insomniac Boogie (T. Risager) 2:55
  2. I Know You Rider (Trad.) 4:46
  3. It Ain’t Right (Little Walter) 3:04
  4. If I Could (F. Eaglin, D. Bartholemew) 4:05
  5. Tango Till They’re Soar (T. Waits)
  6. Too Late For Us (T. Risager) 3:52
  7. Make Me A Pallet On Your Floor (Trad.) 3:30
  8. Christmas Card From A Hooker In Minneapolis (T. Waits) 4:36
  9. The Way You Make Me Feel (T. Risager) 4:39
  10. Good News (Ackley, Crosby) 3:00
  11. When Shadows Fall (H&G Clarkson, P Van Steeden) 3:15


Download presspictures, cd-cover and linernotes on Dropbox


Live 2004 (Music Mecca/Cope Records 2005)
From the Heart (Cope Records 2006)
Here I Am (Cope Records 2007)
Live at Victoria (Cope Records 2009)
Track Record (Cope Records 2010)
Dust & Scratches (Cope Records 2012)
Between Rock and Some Hard Blues (Cope Records 2013)
Too Many Roads (Ruf Records 2014)

When They Ring Them Golden Bells (2014) – DUO => press to buy the album
Songs From The Road (Ruf Records 2016)
Change My Game (Ruf Records 2017)

When Shadows Fall (2018) – DUO => press to buy the album
Come On In (Ruf Records 2020)

Taking The Good With The Bad (2021) – DUO => press to buy the album


Management: Peter Kehl  peter@coperecords.com  +45 4096 7666
Booking: Thorbjørn Risager thorbjornrisager@gmail.com +45 22166025

Info på dansk:

Nyt ‘surprise’ album ude nu!

Thorbjørn Risager & Emil Balsgaard - Taking The Good With The Bad

Alle, der interesserer sig for blues, kender Thorbjørn Risager & The Black Tornado, som i efterhånden 19 år har underholdt blues-elskere verden over med deres koncerter og udgivelser.

Færre ved, at Thorbjørn Risager og Tornado-pianomand Emil Balsgaard har en historie sammen, der går væsentlig længere tilbage i tiden. Det er nemlig ca. 27 år siden, at deres makkerskab begyndte i New Orleans blues ’n’ funk bandet Rad Gumbo.

Thorbjørn og Emil har brugt corona nedlukningen til at indspille deres 3. duo album, som har fået titlen Taking The Good With The Bad.

Albummet viser, at deres kærlighed til den særlige New Orleans blues ’n’ funk stil stadig er intakt med pulveriserende boogie blues, strejf af caribiske rytmer, syrede delta-grooves og low down dirty funk.

Det er Tornado-bassist Søren Bøjgaard, der har indspillet og co-produceret albummet, og der er også gæsteoptrædender af Tornado bandmedlemmerne Joachim Svensmark og Martin Seidelin.

Køb albummet her!

Lyt til det her!

Se album coverartwork her!

Line-up (Taking The Good With The Bad – HRB2021 – P & C House Rockin’ Band Inc 2021)

Thorbjørn Risager – vokal & guitar
Emil Balsgaard – piano, keys
Joachim Svensmark – guitar
Søren Bøjgaard – bas/producer
Martin Seidelin – perc


  1. Insomniac Boogie (T. Risager) 2:55
  2. I Know You Rider (Trad.) 4:46
  3. It Ain’t Right (Little Walter) 3:04
  4. If I Could (F. Eaglin, D. Bartholemew) 4:05
  5. Tango Till They’re Soar (T. Waits)
  6. Too Late For Us (T. Risager) 3:52
  7. Make Me A Pallet On Your Floor (Trad.) 3:30
  8. Christmas Card From A Hooker In Minneapolis (T. Waits) 4:36
  9. The Way You Make Me Feel (T. Risager) 4:39
  10. Good News (Ackley, Crosby) 3:00
  11. When Shadows Fall (H&G Clarkson, P Van Steeden) 3:15


Download presspictures, cd-cover og linernotes på Dropbox


Live 2004 (Music Mecca/Cope Records 2005)
From the Heart (Cope Records 2006)
Here I Am (Cope Records 2007)
Live at Victoria (Cope Records 2009)
Track Record (Cope Records 2010)
Dust & Scratches (Cope Records 2012)
Between Rock and Some Hard Blues (Cope Records 2013)
Too Many Roads (Ruf Records 2014)

When They Ring Them Golden Bells (2014) – DUO => press to buy the album
Songs From The Road (Ruf Records 2016)
Change My Game (Ruf Records 2017)

When Shadows Fall (2018) – DUO => press to buy the album
Come On In (Ruf Records 2020)

Taking The Good With The Bad (2021) – DUO => press to buy the album


Management: Peter Kehl  peter@coperecords.com  +45 4096 7666
Booking: Thorbjørn Risager thorbjornrisager@gmail.com +45 22166025

Buy the album here!


Buy the album here!


BT *****   Thorbjørn Risager & The Black Tornado er ikke bare Danmarks bedste i bluesrockgenren. Både som komponister, musikere og samlet liveband er de ganske enkelt i verdensklasse. Og både Gary Moore og Muddy Waters vil være stolte af at dele kapitel med Thorbjørn og co, når historien engang skrives.”

Gaffa *****  “Men sandheden er den, at danske Thorbjørn Risager er det tætteste, vi herhjemme kommer en blues singer-songwriter i champions league klassen”

Rootszone *****  ”Mange tidligere udgivelser har denne lige-ved-og-næsten fornemmelse, men Songs from the Road har hele pakken. Eneste minus er at Risager bliver så efterspurgt i udlandet, at vi får svært ved at fange ham og hans sorte tornado på de danske musiksteder!”

Jyllandsposten ****  “Risager har fortjent opnået anerkendelse i bl.a. Tyskland, England og USA, og udgivelsen illustrerer, at han kan bide blues-skeer med hvem som helst”

If ever there was ever a case to be made for a European blues band emulating or surpassing their American counterparts, then you need look no further than Denmark’s Thorbjørn Risager & The Black Tornado.  Pete Feenstra, Get Ready To Rock (UK)

Risager’s voice is one of the deepest, most intriguing voice of the entire music scene…Music is a fabulous art and there are very few bands out there, able to sound as good as Thorbjorn Risager & The Black Tornado. A treat for all music lovers. Giovanni ”Gio” Pilato, Bluebird Reviews (US


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𝐀𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧: 𝐂𝐞 𝐬𝐨𝐢𝐫 𝐍𝐞𝐰 𝐌𝐨𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐚̀ 𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐬 ❤𝐔𝐧𝐞 𝐬𝐨𝐢𝐫𝐞́𝐞 𝐝𝐞 𝐛𝐥𝐮𝐞𝐬, 𝐫𝐨𝐜𝐤 𝐞𝐭 𝐬𝐨𝐮𝐥 𝐚̀ 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐢𝐫 𝐝𝐞 𝟐𝟎𝐡𝟎𝟎 𝐥𝐞 𝐦𝐞𝐫𝐜𝐫𝐞𝐝𝐢 𝟏𝟗. 𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐬.Ne manquez pas l’incroyable performance de Thorbjørn Risager & The Black Tornado lors de leur concert au New Morning. Rejoignez-nous pour une soirée de musique inoubliable mêlant blues, rock et soul. Achetez vos billets dès maintenant!www.newmorning.com/20250319-6097-thorbjorn-risager-the-black-tornado.htmlOn The Road Again Fargo Mafia New Morning (Officiel) Stetson Europe See MoreSee Less
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Check out the review from @rollingstonefrance 😎 Merci Beaucoup! 😘www.rollingstone.fr/thorbjorn-risager-black-tornado-house-of-sticks/And hey we’re in France – come out and listen to the music! Tix right here => risager.info/tour-plan/ Mar 18 Jazz en Nord, Marcq en Baroeul 🇫🇷Mar 19 New Morning (releaseconcert), Paris 🇫🇷Mar 20 Spirit of 66, Verviers 🇧🇪Mar 21 Nuit du Blues, Abbeville 🇫🇷Mar 22 Festival Jazz à Toute Heure, Bonnelles 🇫🇷#thorbjørnrisagerandtheblacktornado #thorbjørnrisager #releasetour #newalbum #blues #rock #houseofstick @Provogue_Records @Ordafrance @GloryBox.be @StetsonEurope @fargomafia See MoreSee Less
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